Shale oil and gas debate (The)

ISBN9782710811534 EditorÉditions Technip pages232 Published2015-05-01
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In the space of six years, the united States have reduced their dependence on oil by a third and have become almost self-sufficient in terms of gas supply. This ?shale oil and gas revolution?, a sudden and unexpected earthquake in the energy world, enabled the US to become one of the most competitive countries in the world. Exporting this revolution could double the world gas reserves and boost those of oil by 20%. Outside North America, the main reservoirs are thought to be in China, Russia and Argentina.
In the medium term, this new state of affairs will have major geopolitical consequences, fundamentally altering oil, gas and coal imports. While US imports from the Persian Gulf rapidly dwindle, those of China and India will significantly increase and as the United States becomes a gas exporter, Russia will have to find alternative markets. Although it is not ranked in the ?top 10?, Europe is thought to have vast resources. Yet for the realization of a major European project, a number of geological (are European source rocks as high quality as their US counterparts?), economic (will Europe be able to develop its resources at an acceptable cost?) and societal barriers will have to be overcome. On a densely-populated, urban continent, hydraulic fracturing, water supply, microseisms and surface impact represent a battery of ?threats? for the stakeholders. Changing this perception will require both pedagogy and transparency regarding the local communities. This has to be a win/win situation and not a case of give and take.
In this work, written in the form of 20 questions for non-specialists, Philippe Charlez and Pascal Baylocq give you the answers to ?everything you always wanted to know about shale oil and gas but never dared to ask".
Philippe Charlez est ingénieur des Mines de l'École polytechnique de Mons (Belgique) et est titulaire d'un doctorat de l'Institut de physique du Globe de Paris. Il rejoint Total en 1982 où il est pendant 15 ans expert en mécanique des roches.
Il est actuellement responsable développement des ressources non conventionnelles pour le groupe Total. Philippe Charlez est l'auteur de plusieurs ouvrages et articles sur la mécanique des roches. Il a publié en 2014 aux Editions Technip un nouvel essai intitulé Our energy is not set in stone.

Pascal Baylocq est ingénieur de formation, docteur en Mécanique et titulaire d'une licence en Sciences économiques. Il débute sa carrière en 1995 chez Total en tant qu'ingénieur forage. Après avoir mis en ?uvre, au sein de l'exploration-production, le déploiement des technologies internet, il prend en 2005 la responsabilité d'un complexe pétrolier offshore aux Émirats Arabes Unis.

Depuis 2007, il est directeur général délégué de Geostock et depuis 2011, il est président du Groupe de réflexion sur les hydrocarbures de roche-mères au sein du GEP-AFTP.