Rheology of Polyphase Earth Materials

ISBN9782553010330 EditorPresses internationales Polytechnique pages260 Published2002-11-27
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This is the most comprehensive compilation to date on elastic and plastic deformation and the rheological properties of polyphase rocks taht form the Earth's crust and mantle. An improved understanding of deformation and flow of Earth materials is of primary importance in studies of geodynamic processes, and recent advances in the study of the rheology of polyphase rocks are enormously significant. This book presents an updated review of the subject and encourages students and scientists to engage in challenging research to solve the many remaining problems.

Aimed primarily at geoscientists and geotechnical engineers as well as all those involved in research and teaching of natural materials in general, this book is also suitable as a reference text in graduate courses. An extensive bibliography is included to aid further study.


Structural geologists, geodynamicists, tectonocists, geophysicists, petrologists, and people interested in deformation and mechanical properties of natural materials. Also, hardrock geologists, mining geologists, petroleum geologists and geotechnical, mecanical and structural engineers. Suitable for postgraduate students.

An improved understanding of deformation and flow of Earth materials is of primary importance in studies of geodynamic processes, and recent advances in the study of the rheology of polyphase rocks are enormously significant. This book presents an updated, comprehensive review of the subject and encourages students and scientists to engage in challenging research to solve the many remaining problems. There is an extensive bibliography to aid further study.
Shaocheng Ji is Professor of Earth Sciences in the Department of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering, École Polytechnique de Montréal (Canada). He has been involved in research and teaching in structural geology and tectonophysics for over 15 years.

Bin Xia is Professor of Tectonics at the Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. His research interests are mainly in the structural geology of Tibetan Plateau and South China Sea.
Chapter 1. Generalized flow laws of polymineralic rocks
Rheology and strength of lithosphere. General characteristics of creep. Experimental determination of flow laws. Theoretical analysis. Prediction of the exponential flow law parameters for polymineralic rocks. Prediction of flow law parameters for monophase rocks. Applications to multiphase rocks. Comparison with the model of Tullis et al. (1991). Discussion and conclusions. Appendix

Chapter 2. Effects of phase continuity on rheology of two-phase rocks
Phase continuity and tectonic deformation. Theoretical Analysis. Effects of phase continuity. Summary

Chapter 3. Shear-lag model and its applications to rheology of polymineralic rocks
Theoretical models of strengthening effects. Shear-lag model. Approximations in previous SLM derivations. Improved shear-lag model. Applications. Conclusion

Chapter 4. Seismic wave velocities of polymineralic rocks: comparison of theory and experiment
Introduction. Procedure of seismic velocity calculations. Comparison of theory and experiment. Discussion. Conclusions

Chapter 5. Elastic properties of forsterite-enstatite composites: implications for upper mantle composition
Introduction. Experimental technique and procedure. Experimental results. Comparisons between experimental data and theoretical models. Implications for upper mantle composition. Conclusions

Chapter 6. Composite flow strength of forsterite-enstatite aggregates
Introduction. Experimental technique and procedure. Experimental results. Interpretation. Comparisons with theoretical models. Summary

Chapter 7. Plastic deformation of quartz-plagioclase multilayers: implications for rheology of foliated polyphase rocks
Introduction. Samples. Mechanical tests and data. Microstructures. Mechanical interpretation. Implications for tectonic deformation. Summary

Chapter 8. Layered rheological structure of subducting oceanic lithosphere
Introduction. Petrological models of subducting lithosphere. Rheological parameters of the lithospheric rocks. Thermal structure of the subducting slab. Creep strength of the two types of subducting slabs. Tectonic implications. Diffusion creep of garnetite and its implications. Appendix
