Essentials of Reservoir Engineering - Vol 2

ISBN9782710810100 EditorÉditions Technip pages512 Published2012-07-31
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The present book completes the first volume on the "Essentials of Reservoir Engineering".

- Chapters 1 to 6 are complementary to the material discussed in the first volume.
- Chapters 7 and 8 cover secondary and tertiary recovery methods.
- Chapter 9 introduces well testing, and chapter 10 gives elements of log interpretation.
- Chapter 11 gives techniques used to predict reservoir performances in particular conditions.
- Chapter 12 covers the unconventional oil reservoir issues that become of prime importance today.
- Chapter 13 gives some guidelines to engineers on how to develop a reservoir t depending on the volume of data available.
- Chapter 14 reviews definitions of resources and reserves admitted within the industry.
- Reservoir monitoring and integrated reservoir management issues are covered in chapter 15.
- Uncertainties in reservoir engineering become a dominant subject for companies to make the right decision. The associated design of experiment technique is discussed in chapter 16.
- Chapter 17 covers the unconventional gas reservoirs that take an increasing part of gas production in the world.
- Basic principles on economics essential to engineers are given in chapter 18.

Contents of volumes 1 and 2 give a general view of the essential material knowledge for students and professionals. Opportunity for deeper investigation is available from the extensive complementary references featured.