Drinking-Water Distribution; Sewage; and Rainfall Collection; Third Edition

ISBN9782553016721 EditorPresses internationales Polytechnique pages544 Published2014-11-10
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Drinking Water Distribution, Sewage, and Rainfall Collection (Back cover)

Drinking Water Distribution, Sewage, and Rainfall Collection is the first textbook produced in French and English entirely devoted to practical hydraulic problems as they occur in modern cities. It looks at the design and application of equipment for drinking water distribution, runoff and sewage collection. Fundamental hydraulic principles are presented clearly and their application is illustrated in examples representative of real-world situations. Exercises and problems enable students to test their knowledge in each chapter.
Specific topics include the measurement of sewage flow, sewage pumping stations, pump selection, inverted siphon, and characteristics of pipes available on the market in a wide variety of materials. The textbook also covers issues such as water hammer and other overpressures, dead and live loads, underground pipe installation, water supply to high rise buildings, the design of sewer and water service connections, water flows and volumes for fire fighting, water intake and intake pipes, fire hydrants, water inlets and valve settings on water networks, sewage outfall, pipe freezing and corrosion, thrust blocks and restrained joints, culverts, etc. One chapter is entirely devoted to waterborne diseases, chemical contaminants and dangerous gases that accumulate in enclosed spaces.
Engineers, technicians and scientists can use the textbook to learn the basic requirements for designing and evaluating sanitary storm networks, sewage networks and water distribution networks.


This book is aimed at professors and students of civil engineering and at practising engineers and technicians in consulting firms and municipalities.

Nowadays, we realize the importance of drinking-water distribution, rainfall collection, and sewage networks as urban infrastructures. They are expensive to install, but rehabilitation or reconstruction costs can even be higher. This book gives engineers and technicians in civil engineering modern tools and means to design water conduits with adequate capacity and to select materials and equipment that meet the needs of the population and of industrial and business communities. By following the methods described and applying modern standards of design and installation, urban hydraulic specialists will build infrastructures that provide better service.

This book covers five major subject areas. The first is evaluation of network flow rates and their variation over time; these are drinking-water and fire-protection flows; storm, sanitary, combined, and pseudo-sanitary flows; and so on. The second introduces rules and regulations for the design of different types of networks and the choice of equipment such as water intakes, street inlets, street-holes, fire hydrants, valves, and connections. The third deals with the dangers and diseases encountered when working in the water engineering fields. The fourth shows computations of loads on buried pipes. The last discusses the very important problem of how to design storm and sanitary sewage networks, two wastewater-intercepting sewers, and a water-distribution network.

Each chapter has complete examples along with a set of exercises at the end. Answers are provided at the back of the book.

No other book discusses water networks and the choice of related equipment in such detail.
François G. Brière is a civil engineer and Professor in the Department of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering at the École Polytechnique de Montréal. He received his education in Québec and the United States and worked for the Ministère des Affaires municipales et des Régions du Québec (Ministry of municipal and regional affairs of Québec) before entering academia, where he has taught water chemistry, sewage treatment and urban hydraulics for more than 30 years.
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